Edit Privileges

Note: Admin functions are restricted. Some functions are not available to all staff members.

Use Edit Privileges to assign user access to various Administrator and Operator menu items. Assign appropriate account Types for system administrators, operators, hotline staff, and so forth, so that each can accomplish his or her system role.

Depending on your own assigned Account Type, you may also be able to edit the menu items associated with particular Types, and delete certain Types.

User Menu Privileges

At the User Privileges panel, you can edit the assigned account Type for existing users, and add and delete users with menu privileges.

Add User

Add a new user to be assigned a menu Account Type (e.g., High Admin, Hotline, Local Admin, Marketing)

Re-assign an existing user's account Type.

Delete the existing user.

To Add a User

  1. At the Administrator's menu, click Edit Privileges.

  2. At the User Privileges page, click Add User (or scroll down to the end of the list and click ). The Add User dialog box opens.

  3. At Member #, type the user's member number, and then press Tab. Confirm that the displayed member information is correct.

  4. At Type, select the appropriate privilege Type from the drop-down list.

  5. Click Add Item.

  6. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

  7. To add additional users, repeat steps 2-6.

  8. When you are finished adding users, close   the Add User dialog box.

To Re-assign a User's Account Type

  1. At the Administrator's menu, click Edit Privileges.

  2. At the User Privileges page, locate the appropriate user, and click . The Edit User dialog box opens.

  3. At Type, select the appropriate privilege Type from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Update.

  5. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

To Delete a User

  1. At User Privileges, locate the appropriate user, and click .

  2. Click OK at the two prompts.


At the Type panel, depending on your own assigned Account Type, you may be able to edit and delete certain account Types.

Edit an existing account Type.

Delete the existing account Type.

To Edit an Account Type

  1. At Type, locate the appropriate Account Type, and click . The Edit/Add Account Type dialog box opens.

  2. At Name, Stratus displays the name of the Account Type you've chosen to edit.

  3. At Priv's, select (and de-select where necessary) the appropriate menu items to be assigned to the updated Account Type.

  4. Click Update.

  5. At the confirmation prompt, click OK.

To Delete an Account Type

  1. At Type, locate the appropriate Account Type, and click .

  2. Click OK at the two prompts.